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Battlestar Galactica (2003)/Number Four

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Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Actor Rick Worthy
First Appearance 2x05 - The Farm
Last Appearance 4x20 - Daybreak, Part 2
Series Billing Guest Star
Episode Count 8
Notable Episodes 2x05 - The Farm


Basic Information

Simon is a Cylon posing as a doctor for the resistance on Caprica.

Character History

After an ambush near Delphi, Starbuck awoke in an abandoned asylum, being tended to by Simon. She almost immediately suspected he was a Cylon. In addition to sewing up her wound, Simon also performed a pelvic exam, and informed her of a cyst on one of her ovaries. Later, Starbuck found a new scar in that same general area, leading her to believe that Simon may have harvested some of her eggs. She later learned that he was, in fact, a Cylon, and killed him with a shard of a broken mirror. She immediately encountered another version of Simon once she escaped the hospital, this one wearing a business suit and clearly not the victim of a recent stabbing, thus confirming his status as a known Cylon.

Memorable Moments

Simon notices that all of Kara's fingers had been broken during her childhood, pointing out that she may have been abused.

