Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons is a children's animated sci-fi program that aired on ITV. This was another Supermarionation show from the world of Gerry Anderson. This series tells of the adventures of SPECTRUM, a world security organization. Whilst on a mission to Mars, an unprovoked attack is made on a Mysteron base, and The Mysterons want revenge. The Mysterons are able to kill a person, or destroy a thing, and the replicate them/it. They kill and replicate Captain Black to do their bidding. Captain Scarlet too gets replicated, but when he falls from a tower it transpires that not only is he indestuctable, but the fall has somehow brought his mind back to his own control. This obviously makes him a very useful ally in the fight against the Mysterons.
Season |
Premiere |
Finale |
Season One |
September 29, 1967 |
May 14, 1968 |
DVD Releases
External Sites