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Car 54, Where Are You?/Something Nice for Sol

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Something Nice for Sol
Season 1, Episode 2
Airdate September 24, 1961
Written by Terry Ryan and
Nat Hiken
Directed by Al DeCaprio
Produced by Nat Hiken
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Car 54, Where Are You?Season One
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Something Nice for Sol is the second episode of the first season of Car 54, Where Are You?.

Starring: Joe E. Ross (Toody)

and Fred Gwynne (Muldoon)

Featuring: Mark Dawson (Corbett), Nathaniel Frey (Abrams), Gerald Hiken (Webster), Paul Reed (Block), Bernie West (Harry), Mildred Clinton (Sandra), Fred O'Neal (Wallace), Albert Henderson (Steinmetz), Joseph Warren (Dubrow), Harold Norman (Reilly), Nipsy Russell (Anderson), Jerome Guardino (Antonnucci), Mike Gorrin (Painter), Diane Deering (Dowager), Bryant Fraser (Boy), Janet Fox (Mother), Lou Polan (Kissell), Charles Mayer (Store Proprietor), Duke Farley (Policeman), Judith Lowery (Woman in Store), Elba Ocampo (Spanish Woman), Tony Carrado (Poolroom Proprietor)


Plot Overview


Arc Advancement





The Show

Behind the Scenes

Allusions and References

Memorable Moments
