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Celebrity Big Brother (UK)/Season Four/Contestant Information

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Celebrity Big Brother 2006 Contestants

Chantelle Houghton

Chantelle is the big twist for this season of Big Brother. Although she is not a celebrity, her secret mission is to convince the others that she is. If not, she will be automatically evicted. If Chantelle succeeds, she is still eligible to win the grand prize, providing the viewers vote for her to win. On Day 4, after being named merely the third least-famous housemate, after Preston and Maggot, Big Brother named her a full-fledged celebrity.

Faria Alam

Multi-lingual Faria Alam formerly worked at the Football Association as PA to the acting chief executive until becoming famous from her involvement in a tabloid scandal.

Dennis Rodman

Always colourful, sometimes controversial and often naked, Dennis Rodman rose to fame as a professional basketball player, winning a stunning five NBA titles. He's since reinvented himself as a media star and a forthright campaigner for good causes.

George Galloway

Fiery left-winger George Galloway, MP, is best known for his controversial political career. After being expelled from the Labour Party in 2003, George co-founded RESPECT (The Unity Coalition) in 2004.

Jodie Marsh

Jodie Marsh first shot to fame in the television documentary Essex Wives, and has been a regular feature in the tabloids ever since. Competitive and opinionated, Jodie is an anti-bullying campaigner and a sex expert for a well-known lads' mag.

Rula Lenska

British actress Rula was born Countess Roza-Marie Leopoldnya Lubienska, she grew up in London and first found herself in the public eye when she became a star of Rock Follies in her early twenties.

Pete Burns

Cosmetically-enhanced Pete shocked audiences in the 1980s with his flamboyant dress sense wearing skirts, stockings, high-heels, corsets, exotic hairstyles and make-up. He hit the big time in 1985 when 'You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)' reached number one.


The Welsh rapper gained his interesting name as a teenager when he donned a flesh-coloured puffa jacket that made him look like a giant maggot. He gave up factory work to form the band Goldie Lookin' Chain with his friends Eggsy and Xain.

Traci Bingham

Harvard-educated Traci is best known for wearing a famous red swimsuit in Baywatch, as lifeguard Jordan Tate. Traci describes herself as an exhibitionist and a flirt and says things "could get a little crazy" after a couple of drinks.

Preston Samuel

Preston dropped out of university to form the Ordinary Boys and their debut album went gold in the UK in 2004. He hopes the Big Brother experience will allow him to "show the blurred lines between the mainstream and alternative and expose snobbery."

Michael Barrymore

Michael was one of the UK's top light entertainers during the '80s and '90s, hosting shows such as Strike it Lucky, My Kind of People and Barrymore. He says he has "no expectations" of reviving his career in the House. "If certain people want to call it a comeback, they can call it a comeback because I haven't been away."