Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos is an animated action series created by and starring Chuck Norris. The series was initially broadcast in syndication as a five-episode miniseries which aired in the span of a week. It was later resurrected and broadcast on Adult Swim as a joke throwback series due in part to Norris' becoming a running joke on the internet.
The series follows the standard formula established by Ruby-Spears Productions in which Norris introduces a problem in a live-action segment and then explains the moral at the end of the episode in another live-action segment. The actual plot of the series revolved around Norris, a government operative, and his team of racially diverse "karate kommandos" who routinely fight with The Claw and a band of ninjas.
Though the series was only five episodes long, the series experienced a large amount of merchandising thanks to a comic published by Marvel Comics and a series of action figures made by Kenner.
DVD Releases
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