Comic Party is comedic anime program based on a visual novel game released for the PC in 1999. The game also spawned a manga and a more recent anime series, Comic Party Revolution.
Taishi is a hardcore otaku who believes that doujinshi (fan-made comics) are the medium of the future. He needs to get on the curve as soon as possible, and while he's ready to handle the logistics side of things, he readily dumps the creative aspects (and all the grunt work) on this friend Kazuki, who is completely new to all of this. The series follows Kazuki as he tries to figure out this new world of doujinshi, and handle all of the girls he's working with... including his doujin-hating girlfriend, Mizuki.
Season |
Premiere |
Finale |
Chiba TV
Season One |
April 2, 2001 |
June 25, 2001 |
DVD Releases
External Links