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Home Improvement/Where There's a Will, There's a Way

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Where There's a Will, There's a Way
Season 2, Episode 9
Airdate November 18, 1992
Production Number A333
Written by Howard J. Morris
Directed by John Pasquin
Produced by Gayle S. Maffeo
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Home ImprovementSeason Two
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Where There's a Will, There's a Way is the ninth episode of the second season of Home Improvement, and the thirty-third episode overall.

Starring: Tim Allen (Tim Taylor), Patricia Richardson (Jill Taylor), Earl Hindman (Wilson Wilson, Jr.), Taran Noah Smith (Mark Taylor), Jonathan Taylor Thomas (Randy Taylor), Zachery Ty Bryan (Brad Taylor), Richard Karn (Al Borland)

Co-Starring: Jim Boeke (Phil), Wilson Raiser ("Red")


Plot Overview

Jill has been trying to get Tim to go to see a lawyer with her in order to update their will. Tim finally agrees to do it. In Tool Time: Al has been building a cabin for 4½ months without any power-tools. Naturally, it is Tim's opinion, that Al needs... yep, more power. He then demonstrates log-cutting with a dangerously powerful Binford chainsaw nicknamed "widowmaker".


Arc Advancement





The Show

Behind the Scenes

Allusions and References

Memorable Moments
