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My Name Is Earl/Easter Eggs

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Here are the known Easter Eggs from My Name Is Earl.


High-Def Support

1x03 Randy's Touchdown

In episode 1x03, Randy's Touchdown, Randy can be seen holding up a secret message on the far left while Earl talks to Kenny.
High-Def Easter egg in Episode 3

1x09 Cost Dad the Election

In episode 1x09, Cost Dad the Election, one of Carl Hickey's campaign posters on the far left can be seen to say 'Carl Hickey Loves High Def'.

High-Def Easter egg in Episode 9

1x15 Something to Live For

In episode 1x15, Something to Live For, there is apparently a new type of beer at the Crab Shack, HD Draft.

High-Def Easter egg in Episode 15

Spanish Language Shout-Outs

1x11 Barn Burner

In episode 1x11, Barn Burner, Catalina tells Joy off with the following Spanish: Quiero agradercer al publico latino que nos sintoniza todas las semanas. Y a los que no son latinos los felicito por aprender otro idioma.

Which translates to: I want to thank all our Latin audience for tuning in every week. And to those that are not Latin congratulations on learning another language.

1x24 Number One

In episode 1x24, Number One, Catalina quips the following Spanish at Joy: Con esto concluimos nuestra primera temporada de Earl. Estamos muy agradecidos con su acompanamiento y anticipamos verlos el proximo otoño.

Which translates to: With this we conclude our first season of Earl. We are very grateful that you have joined us and we hope to see you next fall.