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Power Rangers/Rising from Ashes (2)

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Rising from Ashes (2)
Season 8, Episode 10
Airdate April 15, 2000
Production Number 1010
Written by Judd Lynn
Directed by Koichi Sakamoto
← 8x09
Go Volcanic (1)
8x11 →
From Deep in the Shadows (1)
Power RangersSeason Eight
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Rising from Ashes (2) is the tenth episode of the eighth season of Power Rangers, and the three hundred forty-eighth episode overall.

Guest Stars: Brianne Siddall (Impus (voice)), Neil Kaplan (Diabolico (voice)), David Lodge (Loki (voice)), Diane Salinger (Queen Bansheera (voice)), Dave Mallow (Trifire (voice)), David Lodge (Magmavore (voice)), Steven Ho (Scientist #1), Juliet Tablak (Scientist #2), Mark Shaffer (Tech)


Plot Overview


Arc Advancement





The Show

Behind the Scenes

Allusions and References

Memorable Moments



  • Overall Grade: no reviews yet
  • Review Breakdown: A+: 0 A: 0 A-: 0 B+: 0 B: 0 B-: 0 C+: 0 C: 0 C-: 0 D: 0 F: 0