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Red Dwarf/Starbug

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Starbug is one of Red Dwarf's shuttles. It is green and consists of three spherical sections that look like the head, thorax and abdomen of an insect, thus the name Starbug.

The rear section is the engine room. It has three levels. The central section is referred to as the midsection, and the front section contains the cockpit.

It can take off and land on a planet, fly in deep space, and can even travel underwater. In the episode Gunmen of the Apocalypse, Starbug is briefly submerged in lava and survives.

Multiple shuttles carry the name Starbug. In the show we only see Starbug 1 and Starbug 2, although there may be more.

The Starbug shuttles are crashed an awful lot in the series, leading one to believe that are are probably alot more than just two of them. But Kryten has said of Starbug, "This old baby's been crashed more times than a ZX-81", leading one to believe that Starbug is made from tough material or has been repaired each time.

A Starbug shuttle crashes in the following episodes: Backwards, Marooned, Bodyswap, Dimension Jump, Terrorform, Psirens, Gunmen of the Apocalypse, and Emohawk: Polymorph II.