Talk:Lost/Season Six Cast Gallery
Nice work - but the photos of Juliet, Charlotte and Desmond are Season 5 promo pics (there were four sets of photos produced for S.5: one with blue background, one with grey background, one in a beach-like setting, and one in an indoor setting). Juliet, Charlotte and Desmond haven't been given season 6 promos since they are not part of the season's main cast. Every (I think) cast promo released since seas. 1 can be found here. --Pierre 12:09, 20 December 2009 (EST) edit The same goes for the photo of Daniel - also a season 5 pic --Pierre 12:11, 20 December 2009 (EST)
Hi... thanks for clarifying, and great going with changes you have made... exactly the sort of things I had in mind for these pages but ya beat me to it! lol... Cheers, --Alcatel 13:47, 23 December 2009 (EST)
"Great minds..." ;) --Pierre 16:14, 23 December 2009 (EST)