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The Sopranos/The Big Whack List

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A complete listing of every death in every episode of The Sopranos. The list can be viewed by season or by killer. Please see individual episode entries for notes.

Note: List may contain spoilers!


By Season

Season One

Season Body Count: 14

Victim Killer(s) Ordered By Method
1x01 - The Sopranos
Emil Kolar Christopher Moltisanti Christopher Moltisanti Shot in the head
1x02 - 46 Long
2nd Truck Driver Antjuan God Accidentally shot by misfiring gun
1x03 - Denial, Anger, Acceptance
Brendan Filone Mikey Palmice Corrado Soprano, Jr. Shot through the eye in the bathtub
1x04 - Meadowlands
Jackie Aprile God God Intestinal cancer
1x05 - College
Fred Peters Tony Soprano Tony Soprano Garrotted
1x06 - Pax Soprana
Rusty Irish Mikey Palmice & Eggie Corrado Soprano, Jr. Thrown into waterfall
1x10 - A Hit Is a Hit
Gallegos Paulie Gualtieri Tony Soprano Shot in forehead
1x11 - Nobody Knows Anything
Vin Makazian Vin Makazian Vin Makazian Jumped off Route 1 Bridge
1x12 - Isabella
Mariolina Capuano God God Unknown; presumably natural causes
Donnie Paduana Mikey Palmice Corrado Soprano, Jr. Shot in the head in his car
John Clayborn Rasheen Ray God Accidentally shot in the head
1x13 - I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano
Jimmy Altieri Silvio Dante Tony Soprano Shot in the back of the head
Chucky Signore Tony Soprano Tony Soprano Shot multiple times in the chest on his boat
Mikey Palmice Christopher Moltisanti and Paulie Gualtieri Tony Soprano Shot multiple times in a stream

By Killer

Silvio Dante

As Tony's consigliere, Silvio almost never carried out hits on his own, but when he carried one out, it was one which had to be done correctly.

Victim Ordered By Method Episode
Season One
Jimmy Altieri Tony Soprano Shot in the back of the head 1x13 - I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano


Throughout the series, religion and spirtuality - particularly of the Roman Catholic variety - plays an important role in the storylines. From the first episode, the devout Carmela warns Tony that he is "going to Hell when" he dies, and she seeks her own forgiveness in the form of Father Phil Intintola. Tony ignores Carmela's warnings, but when he himself is shot and has an apparent near-death experience, he has dreams which closely resemble some interpretations of the Catholic view of Purgatory. Upon his reviving, Tony questions the nature of the divine more intently, although he ultimately continues to be a thug and a sociopath. Thus, the Roman Catholic God can be said to be a significant presence in the Sopranos mythos. For purposes of this chart, God is credited with all deaths by old age, natural causes or accident with no immediate human agent, and he is said to have ordered any killings which happen purely by accident with no intention of harm on the part of the human killer or killers.

Victim Ordered By Method Episode
Season One
Jackie Aprile God Intestinal cancer 1x04 - Meadowlands
Mariolina Capuano God Unknown; presumably natural causes 1x12 - Isabella

Paulie Gualtieri

"Paulie Walnuts" may be the most brutal and remorseless of Tony Soprano's enforcers, an ill-tempered tough guy trained by the Army with not much by way of brains. Yet he is willing to lay down his life for Tony, whom he idolizes. Some episodes have suggested he is literally haunted by the many people he has killed.

Victim Ordered By Method Episode
Season One
Gallegos Tony Soprano Shot in the forehead 1x10 - A Hit Is a Hit
Mikey Palmice Tony Soprano Shot multiple times in a stream 1x13 - I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano

Vin Makazian

A bad cop with a bad gambling habit, Det. Makazian was into the mob for a lot of money and frequently performed favors for them. Although he was not above beating innocent people, the only person he is known to have killed is himself.

Victim Ordered By Method Episode
Season One
Vin Makazian Vin Makazian Jumped off Route 1 Bridge 1x11 - Nobody Knows Anything

Christopher Moltisanti

Young and ambitious, Tony's nephew Christopher committed several assassinations in an attempt to prove his worthiness to Tony and his crew. After he was named a made man, Christopher became one of the most trusted killers in Tony's inner circle, but his rashness and impulsivity (often fueled by drugs) led him to commit several murders of his own without Tony's approval, sometimes in cases which were dangerous for the entire organization.

Victim Ordered By Method Episode
Season One
Emil Kolar Christopher Moltisanti Shot in the head 1x01 - The Sopranos
Mikey Palmice Tony Soprano Shot multiple times in a stream 1x13 - I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano

Mikey Palmice

Uncle Junior's most trusted lieutenant during the War of '99, he gunned down several in Junior's bid to rise to the top of the family in the power vacuum left by the death of Jackie Aprile. However, his ambition led to his own death as Tony, with whom he often feuded, consolidated his power.

Victim Ordered By Method Episode
Season One
Brendan Filone Corrado Soprano, Jr. Shot through the eye in the bathtub 1x03 - Denial, Anger, Acceptance
Rusty Irish Corrado Soprano, Jr. Thrown into waterfall 1x06 - Pax Soprana
Donnie Paduana Corrado Soprano, Jr. Shot in the head in his car 1x12 - Isabella

Corrado Soprano, Jr.

Corrado, Jr., aka "Junior Soprano," was no doubt a formidable presence in his younger days, when he ran with the crew of his brother and Tony's father. However, as an old man, he was, if anything, more dangerous, as he attempted to prove his vigor and his wit and positioned himself to be head of the new family. Nonetheless, his stature as boss was merely a diversionary tactic, and Junior was arrested almost immediately after being named the boss of the family. With Tony left in charge, Junior came back a weakened man, but not a beaten one. However, the senile dementia of his advancing years would finally do him in. His final attempted hit was on his own nephew Tony, whom he mistook for a long-dead enemy in a fit of dementia. Although he would try to regain power within the confines of his nursing home, a combination of house rules and drugs would leave him helpless as a kitten.

Tony Soprano

One of the many ways in which The Sopranos broke television convention was in its uncompromising portrayal of its protagonist, mobster Tony Soprano, as a sociopath, thug and murderer. Where most series and mob portrayals featured protagonists uncomfortable with the violence of their profession, from the first time he had blood on his hands - literally - in episode 1x05 - College, Tony displayed a casual acceptance of murder which was previously almost unthinkable on television. As the series progressed, Tony was personally responsible or partially responsible for some of its most famous deaths, from one of his best friends ("Big Pussy" Bonpensiero) to a man he considered his brother (Tony Blundetto) to one he considered his son (Christopher Moltisanti).

Victim Ordered By Method Episode
Season One
Fred Peters Tony Soprano Garrotted 1x05 - College
Chucky Signore Tony Soprano Shot multiple times in the chest on his boat 1x13 - I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano


Any killing by a credited character who does not recur is listed below. Murders by unnamed or unidentified characters are excluded.

Victim Killed By Ordered By Method Episode
Season One
2nd Truck Driver Antjuan God Accidentally shot by misfiring gun 1x02 - 46 Long
Rusty Irish Eggie Corrado Soprano, Jr. Thrown into waterfall 1x06 - Pax Soprana
John Clayborn Rasheen Ray God Accidentally shot in the head 1x12 - Isabella