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Total Drama Island/Not So Happy Campers (2)

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Not So Happy Campers (2)
Season 1, Episode 2
Airdate July 8, 2007
Written by
Directed by
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Not So Happy Campers (1)
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The Big Sleep
Total Drama IslandSeason One

Not So Happy Campers (2) is the second episode of the first season of Total Drama Island.

Guest Stars:


Plot Overview

All of the campers are assembled at the top of the cliff, where Chris gives the first of their two challenges. They must jump off of a tall cliff into the lake. For every camper that completes the challenge, they receive a crate of supplies for the second part of their challenge: to build a hot tub. The team with the best hot tub gets to have a hot tub party that night, while the losing team must vote a camper off.

Bridgette thinks the challenge is fairly straightforward, but Chris reveals that their target is actually a smaller area inside the lake, as the zone surrounding it is stocked with man-eating sharks.

The Killer Bass are up first, and Bridgette volunteers to go. She successfully completes the jump. Excited by her victory, Tyler jumps next, although he crashes into one of the buoys in the lake. Geoff, Eva, and Duncan then successfully complete their jumps. DJ, however, is afraid of heights and chickens out. Chris places a chicken hat on DJ and taunts him. Ezekiel (who spins out of control after hitting a projecting piece of the cliff) and Harold (who painfully lands groin-first on the water while doing the splits) complete their jumps, but Courtney refuses to jump. Chris tells her that this might cost her team the win, and they'll blame her for it, but Courtney accepts the risk, as she doesn't think nine members on the other team will jump. Only Sadie and Izzy are left, but Sadie begs Chris to let Katie join her team, as the two girls have never done anything apart from each other. Izzy offers to switch teams, and Chris grudgingly allows it, placing Katie on the Killer Bass and Izzy on the Screaming Gophers. Katie and Sadie jump off the cliff together.

The Screaming Gophers are up next, and Chris offers them an incentive. If they can beat the Killer Bass's score, he'll give them pullcarts to carry their crates. Heather responds that she is not going to jump, as she'll get her hair wet on national TV. Leshawna argues with her, and the argument culminates when Leshawna gorilla-presses Heather over her head and throws her from the cliff to make her jump. Leshawna jumps after her, followed by Lindsay, Gwen, Cody, Izzy, and Justin. Justin lands outside of the safe area, but his looks charm the sharks and one of them gives Justin a ride to shore.

Beth chickens out of jumping, while Trent and Noah jump. That leaves only Owen, who does not consider himself a strong swimmer. The Gophers are nervous, but Owen manages to jump off the cliff, yelling in panic all the way down, and hits the target (which, due to Owen's weight, causes a huge wave to knock everyone, including the sharks and Chef's boat, onto the beach) to earn the first win for his team.

The Gophers, with their pullcarts, happily sing as they walk back to camp, while the Bass are having trouble with their crates (not helped at all by Katie and Sadie having to take a bathroom break and ending up with a rash because they squatted over poison ivy). Although Geoff and Courtney attempt to rally their team to win the challenge, the Gophers build a better hot tub and win the challenge.

At dinner, the Bass decide who to vote out. Duncan says that it should be Courtney or DJ, as they didn't jump off the cliff, and that's DJ's strength would be better to keep around. Courtney attempts to save herself, claiming that she was a CIT (Counselor in Training) and tries to shift attention towards Tyler for no apparent reason. Duncan and Geoff, however, aren't interested. Ezekiel wonders why their team lost, as the Gophers had more girls on their team. Ezekiel claims that guys are stronger and better at sports than girls, which especially angers Eva and Bridgette. Geoff attempts to calm down the angry campers, but Ezekiel continues his misogynistic speech which angers every female teammate on the Killer Bass.

At the campfire ceremony, Chris has a plate of marshmallows and states that one camper will not receive one. That camper is eliminated and must leave. Chris then gives marshmallows to Geoff, Tyler, Katie, Bridgette, DJ, Harold, Sadie, Duncan, and Eva. The final two comes down to Courtney and Ezekiel. They both start to panic, and Chris gives the marshmallow to Courtney, leaving Ezekiel as the first camper voted out.

Back at camp, the Gophers are enjoying their hot tub party as the Bass walk by. Courtney declares to the camera that the Gophers might enjoy their party tonight, but she will win the competition and no one is going to stop her.


Arc Advancement


  • This is the conclusion of TDI's two-part pilot episode, setting the stage for the characters and their adventures at Camp Wawanakwa




The Show

Differences Between the Canadian and US versions

  • Original dialogue in Canadian version:
  • Owen (at the cliff dive challenge): I'm going to die now. I'm going to FRICKIN' die now!
  • Owen (while falling toward the water after jumping from the cliff): Oh, CRAP!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
  • Eva (to Courtney, while hauling the hot tub supplies): Shut up, and pick up your crate...chicken!
  • Courtney (to Geoff): Shut up, we don't want them to know that.
  • Chris (after the Killer Bass lose the hot tub building challenge): Killer Bass, what can I say? Sucks to be you right now.
  • Courtney (to Duncan): Shut up!
  • Gwen (in the Confessional Can): Yup, this camp pretty much still sucks.
  • Edited versions of the same dialogue in the US:
  • Owen: I'm going to die now. I'm going to TOTALLY die now!
  • Owen: Oh, CrAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
  • Eva: Shut it, and pick up your crate...chicken!
  • Courtney: Shut it, we don't want them to know that!
  • Chris: Killer Bass, what can I say? Stinks to be you right now.
  • Courtney: Shut it!
  • Gwen: Yup, this camp pretty much still stinks.

Behind the Scenes

Allusions and References

Memorable Moments
