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Total Drama Island/The Sucky Outdoors
The Sucky Outdoors | |
Season 1, Episode 6 | |
Airdate | August 5, 2007 |
Written by | |
Directed by | |
← 1x05 Not Quite Famous |
1x07 → Phobia Factor |
Total Drama Island — Season One |
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The Sucky Outdors is the sixth episode of the first season of Total Drama Island.
Guest Stars:
Contents |
Plot Overview
The campers start out around the campfire pit, where Chris is explaining the next challenge, an outdoor survival challenge, and makes a point that some of them may not come back alive. The campers are aghast at hearing this, but Chris then tells them he was just joking. The challenge is to spend one night in the woods and return in the morning, and the first team back wins the challenge and invincibility. Everything the campers need can be found at their campsites; all they have to do is find it. Chris hands out maps and compasses to Heather and Duncan (though Courtney snatches Duncan's away), then tells them to watch out for bears, as they lost a few interns in pre-production. Leshawna is afraid of bears, but Owen reassures her with a story about a previous encounter he had with a bear. This reminds Izzy of a time she saw a bear rummaging through her neighbor's garbage and had spaghetti noodles hanging from his teeth, so she thought the bear ate the neighbor's cat, which grosses out Lindsay.
On the way to the campsite, Trent walks up to Gwen and notices she is looking blue, and asks if it has something to do with Heather reading her diary at the talent contest, but Gwen walks off. Heather is plotting to bring Gwen down as the Screaming Gophers' next one to go after she poured Harold's red ant farm into Heather's bed, but Trent points out that Heather brought it on herself for stealing and reading Gwen's diary on national television. A spiteful Heather turns around and faces down every one of her teammates, and she still insists that Gwen is going down in spite of that.
Elsewhere, Courtney is leading the Killer Bass to their site when Katie spots a blueberry bush, so she and Sadie stop to eat some. After pigging out, Katie and Sadie realize that the rest of the team is gone. After calling out for them, the two realize they are lost. The Gophers soon reach their camp, and Owen sees that there is no food at the site; Trent points out that since this is a survival challenge, they have to find their own food. Owen and Izzy joke around about how funny it would be if they made bear sounds and ended up attracting a real bear before Owen heads out into the woods to find some food, claiming to be an expert on the subject.
Meanwhile, Katie and Sadie are lost and start arguing when Sadie calls out Katie on her bad sense of direction. As night falls, they continue to argue when Katie says that least she knows how to drive, but Sadie dismisses this and says that Katie once crashed Sadie's mother's car due to her poor sense of direction. Their arguing attracts a pair of squirrels who impersonate the two, until the girls get fed up and decide they are no longer friends.
Back at the Gopher camp, the campers are getting hungry, when a pizza delivery man arrives with a pizza for the camera crew, much to the annoyance of the starving campers. From the brush, Owen returns with a catch of fish. Izzy jumps up, saying she loves fish, and bites into one of them. With the others looking on in disgust, she stops and sheepishly asks if they should cook them first. Owens tells the others that his grandfather taught him how to fish, and in one incident, a shark bit him in the butt; he drops his pants to show the scars, although only Izzy seems to appreciate it.
The Killer Bass are setting up camp, and Geoff tries to compliment Bridgette by saying she pitches a tent like a guy; he sees that this doesn't have the desired effect and he tries to correct himself, only to say something even dumber. Duncan asks Courtney where the food is, calling her "woman". Courtney refuses to dignify this with a response. When DJ arrives with a rabbit in his arms, Duncan suggests the rabbit should be their dinner, but DJ intends on making it a pet, naming it Bunny. By this point, Duncan notices that Katie and Sadie are missing.
The missing campers in question stumble on a tree with a fork in it, which is a tree that they saw two hours before, meaning they had been walking in a large circle. They hear an owl in the darkness, and in a panic, they run screaming though the woods, into a cave; they think they will be safe there until morning, but Sadie is then scared when a bat flaps around her head. When the bat leaves, Sadie sits on a rock and mutters that they will surely die here.
Back at the Gopher camp, Owen tells the others the story of how he and his grandfather fought a bear; afterwards, Trent notices that Izzy is missing. When they call out to her, they attract the attention of a nearby bear, who comes into camp and scares everyone (especially Cody, who wets himself) into a tree. When Owen is called upon to deal with the bear, he reveals that he was only being theatrical, and gets blamed by Heather for attracting the bear in the first place. Lindsay fears that the bear ate Izzy and Heather thinks that this is good as she thinks it would insure that the bear is no longer hungry. Everyone looks at her shocked, though she covers for herself by claiming that it's survival of the fittest, and by making fun of Cody for wetting his pants, causing him to become ashamed of himself. The branch Leshawna is sitting on gives way, and she falls down near the bear, which moves in on her; Leshawna screams for help, but unexpectedly, the bear asks if she is okay. Taking off its head, the bear is revealed to be Izzy in a costume.
At the Bass camp, Bridgette gets spooked by an owl, and reveals that she is afraid of being alone in the forest, which reminds Duncan of a scary story of a killer with a hook for a hand. Duncan tells the story, and then ends it by scaring everyone with a hook on his right hand. Courtney chews him out, but Duncan just keeps fooling around, especially when an owl spooks Courtney, right into Duncan's arms. Later in the tent, Bridgette says she has to go pee but admits that she is scared to step outside, and DJ revealed so was he, and he holds up a jar with his urine in it. Not wanting to share a jar, she heads outside to find a private place, but what she finds are bats, and one of them flies right into her face, causing her to trip over the campfire and kick an ember onto the tent, which burns it to the ground and leaves the Bass with no shelter.
The Gophers are sharing the fish when another rustle is heard from the bushes, and another bear appears; at first it seems like another person in a bear costume, but Owen tries to take the head off and only tears off some fur. This bear is the real deal, and scares the Gophers up the tree again (not before causing Cody to wet himself again). Back at the Bass site, Courtney is chewing out Bridgette for burning down the tent. Duncan says that everything is cool, but Courtney says that things couldn't possibly get worse. Unfortunately for both teams, a storm blew very hard and long; everyone is stuck in the rain, with no shelter, except for Katie and Sadie who are alone and scared in the cave.
The next morning, the rain has stopped, and Heather complains that thanks to Izzy and Owen, they were unable to sleep in their tent last night; but Katie and Sadie have a bigger problem—the cave they resided in belongs to the bear. At the Bass site, Courtney wakes up cuddling next to Duncan, who smiles at her, but during a later Confessional Can session, she denies there was any cuddling going on since she was asleep at the time.
Back at camp, Chris is preparing the campfire for that night's bonfire ceremony when the Killer Bass come out of the woods, declaring victory. The Screaming Gophers arrive a moment later and see the Bass already there; Heather turns on Izzy and Owen, blaming them for losing the challenge. But Chris stops them, pointing out that two of the Bass are missing; Courtney dismisses Katie and Sadie's absence by claiming they were eaten by wolves. The two missing campers then arrive and start rambling on about how they were lost and wound up in the bear cave, found by the bear, and how scared they were. Now safe, Katie and Sadie apologize for all the mean things they said, and reaffirm their BFFFL status. Courtney asks if they've finished their little love-fest, and then blames them for losing the challenge for their team. The Gophers win an all-expenses paid trip to the Tuck Shop, while Katie and Sadie are left with their angry teammates. Katie and Sadie then look worried that they will be split up.
At the campfire ceremony, the marshmallows go out in this order: Courtney, Duncan, Bridgette, DJ, Harold, Geoff, and Tyler. Finally, the last marshmallow is set to go to either Katie or Sadie; the two hug, knowing that they will be split up for the first time since they met. The last marshmallow goes to Sadie, and Katie is sent to the Dock of Shame. Sadie refuses to let Katie go, but Katie tells her she has to go on, and that she would be rooting for her. It is a tearful and sad goodbye for both as Katie is taken away on the Boat of Losers.
Afterwards, Duncan comes to apologize to Courtney for scaring her, but she insists that she was not scared, and that there is no such thing as a hook man. Then Duncan agrees, then pulls out his fake hook hand, making Courtney scream and say she hates him. After Courtney storms off, Duncan says confidently that she doesn't hate him, then puts his hands behind his neck—and accidentally nicks himself with the hook.
Arc Advancement
Beth and Cody appear but have no lines