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Total Drama Island/X-Treme Torture
X-Treme Torture | |
Season 1, Episode 13 | |
Airdate | September 23, 2007 |
Written by | |
Directed by | |
← 1x12 Basic Straining |
1x14 → Brunch of Disgustingness |
Total Drama Island — Season One |
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X-Treme Torture is the thirteenth episode of the first season of Total Drama Island.
Guest Stars:
Contents |
Plot Overview
The episode starts with a bear sneaking into camp and stealing some of the marshmallows while the campers are asleep, but are woken up by a plane flying overhead. It's Chris who lands in the camp to announce the "X-Treme" challenges for the day: X-Treme Sofa Bed Skydiving, X-Treme Rodeo Moose Riding, and X-Treme Seadoo Waterskiing. The winning team not only wins invincibility, but use of a mobile shower. Owen is unimpressed, but Heather, desperate for a proper shower, threatens him to perform; in fear, he then chokes on a marshmallow he was eating, and coughs it up, hitting Heather in the head.
After breakfast, Owen is helping Chef clean up by eating all the leftovers, but accidentally eats a note left on one of the plates, belching it out at Chef who reads it. The letter is a haiku addressed to "the girl with smoldering eyes", and Chef drops it on the table where Gwen and Bridgette pick it up; after discussing it, they believe that either Trent or Geoff left it for one of them, and they go to find out who left the love letter.
In the first challenge, Trent and DJ are brought to 5,000 feet high in Chris' airplane and have to sky dive to the beach, where they must land on a sofa bed; the rest of their teammates will be on the ground, trying to maneuver the sofa beds into position beneath them. Before take off, Gwen makes the first subtle attempt to determine if Trent wrote the letter, but only gets blank stares from everyone around.
Up in the plane, Chris hands Trent and DJ a set of papers to sign, telling them that they're organ donor forms for a "cannibalism challenge" that he wants to pitch to the producers. He then notes that they're over the drop point and it's time to jump. Back on the ground, the Gophers are having a tough time moving the sofa bed, when they notice Owen is sleeping on the bed; unable to awake him, they paint a bright red target on his butt and leave him there to give Trent a "soft" landing. Trent is having doubts about jumping, but DJ gives him a reassuring pat on the back that mistakenly pushes him out of the plane; in a panic, Trent forgets to open his parachute, and lands face first in the sand.
Back in the air, DJ tries to psyche himself up to jump, but is still terrified, trying to remember to pull the cords: first the blue cord, then red cord. On the way down, he also panics, and pulls the red cord then the blue. Meanwhile, the Bass are trying to maneuver their sofa bed into place, and Bridgette is asking Geoff about romance, but getting all sorts of brutish answers. They notice DJ floating to the ground and race to get the sofa bed under him; he lands safely, winning the first challenge, but while sitting on the bed, it closes back into a sofa, trapping DJ inside it. Trent, on the other hand, is now in a body cast, being wheeled around by Nurse Hatchet (Chef in a nurse's uniform).
On to the second challenge where Geoff is up for the Bass, and has to ride The Great Canadian Bucking Moose like a bronco bull. On the way, Bridgette makes another attempt to determine whether or not Geoff is the writer of the love letter, when Geoff shows her the tattoo on his butt again. The moose is not pleased that Geoff is standing on him, and when Chef opens the pen, he bucks Geoff off almost immediately, chucking him into a nearby pile of stinky socks. Chris calls for an instant replay of that, and focuses on how bad his makeup job is, ignoring the half-naked Geoff flying overhead.
It is now Leshawna's turn for the Gophers, and while she tries to put on her usual brave face, even she is intimidated by the large moose, who angrily breaks out of the pen. Leshawna hangs on while passing Gwen and Bridgette, who are arguing over their boyfriends, deciding that the love letter was never for them and redouble their efforts at finding the source. The rampaging moose passes them again, smashes through a bush, and stomps over the marshmallows that the bear was going to eat, with Leshawna still hanging on, grabbing a point for the Gophers.
Chris announces the third challenge, X-Treme Seadoo Waterski Challenge. The goal is to water ski behind a jet ski, driven by a member of the opposing team, collecting flags for points; the trick is that the course is actually done on land in a mud track, not in the water. Harold skis behind Heather, and Lindsay skis behind Duncan. Harold expects an easy victory, and in the confessional he talks how his personal status will rise. Outside, Gwen and Bridgette are counting off the guys who might have written the love poem when overconfident Harold emerges from the outhouse, greets them, and trips over his pants; they count him out, and narrow it to Owen or DJ, as Duncan has a crush on Courtney. Bridgette tries asking DJ a question about poetry, but he rebuffs it by asking about odd questions from left field.
Heather starts the race with such a jolt that Harold is yanked off his skis, and is being dragged through the mud; despite the pain and dirt, Harold is still able to capture the flags on the course, and grabs all five. Chris tells Heather that she has to bring Harold to the finish line or be disqualified, but she has other ideas, and plans to dump Harold so the Bass get no points. Heather turns around and pulls out a knife to cut Harold's line, but while her back is turned, she passes a rogue tree branch that snags her top, tearing it off, and revealing to Harold that she isn't wearing a bra. Heather, quickly realizing that her breasts have been exposed, covers them up with her arms and screams in embarrassment, while Harold, mesmerized by the sight, spaces out and crashes into some rocks, losing the challenge; while Heather forgets to drive the jet ski, and crashes it, flinging her through the air, landing on the bear and interrupting his latest marshmallow theft. Harold is left a mangled piece of flesh, satisfyingly moaning "boobies".
Gwen tries Owen, asking if he's going to use the shower so that he's ready for anyone special, but he dismisses the shower and Gwen's question. Back at the track, it's Lindsay's turn, and she has no trouble skiing in the mud, grabbing the first flag on a ramp and performing a back flip on the way down. Duncan tries to speed up to make Lindsay lose her balance, but she keeps going, collecting all the flags. Duncan doesn't want to cross the finish line and hand victory to the Gophers, so he deliberately crashes, sending himself flying into a tree; Lindsay maintains her balance and her momentum carries her to the finish, winning the challenge for the Gophers. She passes Duncan and tells "Doug" that she really wanted that shower. Geoff, who is stinking from the sock pile earlier, laments that he really needed that shower.
Gwen and Bridgette are distressed that they didn't discover the source of the love letter, when Leshawna passes by and picks up the letter; Chris sees this and comments that Leshawna has already received several other secret love letters. Though they now know who the letters are for, they still don't know who wrote them.
At the campfire ceremony, Bridgette and DJ receive marshmallows right off the bat; Chris then pitches a marshmallow to a distant Geoff, who is sitting in a tree with a skunk. This leaves an irate Duncan and a placated Harold for the last marshmallow. Chris taunts both of them, which gets on Duncan's nerves and he confronts Chris, who then gives Duncan the marshmallow, sending Harold to the Dock of Shame. Harold doesn't seem to mind, as he grabs his stuff and heads for the boat. On the boat, he waxes poetic above loving, losing, and seeing boobies; he then reveals to the shock of everyone who came to see him off (especially Gwen and Bridgette) that he was in fact Leshawna's secret admirer. The pair run together and kiss on the dock before Chef drags the loser to the boat.
On the dock, Geoff asks Leshawna if Harold saw her breasts, and Owen asks if they can see them, getting a loud "heck no". Leshawna then wonders whose breasts Harold did see, and tries to call out to him. Behind them, Heather (whose breasts Harold, off-camera moments earlier, told Leshawna he had seen) walks out of her shower, and Leshawna confronts her. Heather says she would never show Harold her boobs on purpose, but an enraged Leshawna isn't happy, and she chases after a shrieking Heather to enact her revenge, while Gwen and Bridgette, satisfied about solving the mystery of the love letter, bid each other good night and go their separate ways.