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Cheers/Norm Peterson

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Norm Peterson
Actor George Wendt
First Appearance 1x01 - Give Me a Ring Sometime
Last Appearance 11x25 - One for the Road
Series Billing Billed


Basic Information

Norm was Cheers' most loyal patron.

Character History

Dating back to some of the earliest recorded history of Cheers, where he was identified as "skinny guy at the end of the bar," Norm was a fixture at the corner stool. While holding down jobs as an accountant or painter (but mostly holding down no job at all), he still managed to head to Cheers every day, greeted by shouts of "Norm!"

Norm's passions in life were beer, his stool, the Hungry Heifer (a restaurant specializing in fattening food), and living vicariously through Sam Malone. He feigned disdain for his wife, Vera, but whenever it mattered, his love for her was obvious.

A troubling issue for Sam, and later Rebecca Howe, was Norm's gigantic bar tab, which eventually grew to fill an oversized notebook. Whenever he had any financial luck, Cheers' management would press him to pay off his tab, but something always got in the way.

Memorable Moments

