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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia/Charlie Got Molested

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Charlie Got Molested
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1x07.jpg
Season 1, Episode 7
Airdate September 13, 2005
Production Number IP01002
Written by Rob McElhenney
Story by Charlie Day and
Rob McElhenney
Directed by John Fortenberry
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It's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaSeason One

Charlie Got Molested is the seventh episode of the first season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Two students from Mac and Charlie's class file a lawsuit against the gym teacher for molestation. Dennis and Dee believe that Charlie was molested and attempt to find a way at intervention. Meanwhile, Mac tries to figure out why the other kids in his class got molested and not him.

Starring: Charlie Day (Charlie Kelly), Glenn Howerton (Dennis Reynolds), Rob McElhenney (Mac), Kaitlin Olson (Dee Reynolds)

Guest Starring: Dennis Haskins (Chris Murray), Lynne Marie Stewart (Charlie's Mom), Nate Mooney (Ryan McPoyle), Jimmi Simpson (Liam McPoyle)

Co-Starring: Andrew Friedman (Charlie's Uncle), Don Scribner (Police Clerk), Chris Hendrie (Detective)


Plot Overview

Mac reads in the newspaper that one of his and Charlie's former teachers got arrested for child molestation during the 1980s. Charlie responds strangely, mumbles about not liking the class, and then says he has to leave. Later, Dee, Dennis, and Mac sit around trying to figure out how to talk to Charlie about what happened. Mac, on the other hand, is obsessed with why the other students got molested and not him.

Charlie visits the other kids who were in the paper about being molested. They say that they want to get back at the coach for being a dick even though they didn't get molested. Charlie can't go to the cops because the whole thing was his idea a year prior at a party when he was drunk.

Mac goes to the coach's house dressed in short shorts trying to seduce him, but gets thrown out. Meanwhile Dennis and Dee are still trying to figure out a way to get Charlie to open up. Mac walks into the bar having done research on pedophilia saying that the reason the coach didn't molest him because pedophiliacs go after passive children. This also leads him to believe that Charlie didn't get molested.

Dee decides that they need to make a more aggressive approach because Dennis' method hasn't worked. They go to Ms. Kelly's, Charlie's mother, house and tell her that Charlie got molested. Charlie comes over later and they have an intervention with all of Charlie's family. Brian and Liam take Charlie to the police station so that he can file a report. Instead he rats out Brian and Liam.


Arc Advancement





The Show

  • The official website listed this episode as "Charlie Gets Molested".
  • Dennis Haskins guest stars as the gym teacher accused of molestation whom Mac attempts to seduce. Dennis Haskins is familiar with the role of teacher because he played the principal on many incarnations of Saved by the Bell

Behind the Scenes

Allusions and References

Memorable Moments


  • Mac: If the McPoyles got blown, and Charlie got blown, then why didn't I get blown?
(long pause)
Dennis: You're going to hell, dude.
Dee: Seriously.