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Lost/Season Four Flashbacks & Flashforwards

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The Beginning of the End

Feeling that their rescue is close at hand, the survivors don't know whether to believe Charlie’s final message that the people claiming to liberate them are not who they seem to be.

See The Beginning of the End for full details.


After freaking out in a convenience store, Hurley leads the police in a high-speed chase before crashing. Detective Mike Walton, Ana Lucia Cortez's former partner, questions Hurley as to his actions. When he leaves the room, Hurley sees the mirror in front of him turn into a view of the ocean. Charlie swims to the mirror and presses his hand against it, shattering it and flooding the room. Hurley freaks out again but discovers nothing happened when Mike comes back in. Hurley returns to the Santa Monica Mental Health Institute. One day he has a visitor, Matthew Abbadon, who claims to be an attorney with Oceanic Airlines. Hurley asks for some identification, but Abbadon says he must have misplaced it. He asks Hurley if they're still alive, causing Hurley to yell for him to leave. He slips out the door as the orderlies try to calm Hurley. Later, Hurley is working on a watercolor painting when a fellow patient tells him a man is staring at him. Hurley discovers that man is Charlie. Charlie tries to calm him down, telling him he is dead yet is there talking to him. He slaps Hurley to prove his point. Charlie tells Hurley he has something to do, something he's been hiding from. Hurley tries to will Charlie away as Charlie repeatedly tells him they need him. When Hurley reaches the count of five and opens his eyes, Charlie has disappeared. Jack comes to visit Hurley to see how he's doing. Hurley asks him if he's really there to see if he's told anyone or not. He tells Jack he thinks they didn't do the right thing, that it wants them to come back and is going to do everything it can to do it. Jack yells at him that they're never going back.

The Economist

Sayid and Kate try to negotiate for Locke's hostage, whom they think might be the key to getting off the island.

See The Economist for full details.


In the Seychelles, Sayid is playing golf on an exclusive, private golf course when an Italian man comes up to him. The two talk to one another and Sayid introduces himself as one of the Oceanic 6. This revelation makes the man nervous. He is subsequently shot and killed by Sayid. Sayid then travels to Berlin and meets a woman, Elsa, who works for a mysterious economist. He charms her and eventually sleeps with her. Eventually Elsa is paged by her employer, the economist, who is Sayid's target. Sayid tries to warn her to leave Berlin, but he's shot by Elsa. Before she can bring Sayid in to her people so they can find out who Sayid works for, Elsa is shot and killed by Sayid. Sayid travels to a veterinary clinic to have his wound treated by his employer, Ben. Ben tells Sayid he shouldn't have any sympathy for Elsa or her people. He has another name for Sayid, but Sayid tells him they know he's after them. Ben tells him, "Good."


Kate's need to get information out of the hostage may jeopardize her standing with Locke — as well as with Sawyer.

See Eggtown for full details.


Kate goes to federal court in California for her crimes. She pleads not guilty and refuses to take any deal the district attorney offers her, despite the fact they have her mother, to whom she confessed to, as their star witness. Kate's lawyer wants to have her son in the courtroom to generate sympathy, but Kate refuses to have him used. The lawyer calls Jack as a character witness and he tells the jury he was injured in the crash and would have drowned were it not for Kate. He further lies, telling them how Kate treated his and four other survivor's wounds, found shelter and food. On cross examination, Jack claims to no longer be in love with Kate. The lawyer has Kate meet with her mom, Diane. Diane doesn't want to testify, but wants to see her grandson. Kate refuses, yet Diane still does not testify. Without their star witness, the prosecution is forced to offer a deal. Kate eventually agrees to a deal with no jail time, ten years on probation and she can't leave the state. A free woman, Kate is met by Jack who tells her he still loves her. However he can't bring himself to see her son and Kate tells him that, until he can get over that, they can't have a relationship. Kate returns to her home and sees her young son, Aaron — Claire's son.

Ji Yeon

Juliet is forced to reveal some startling news to Jin when Sun threatens to move to Locke's camp. Meanwhile, Sayid and Desmond begin to get an idea of the freighter crew's mission when they meet the ship's Captain.

See Ji Yeon for full details.


In South Korea, Sun is packing a bag and getting ready to go out when she feels a sharp pain. She calls emergency services for an ambulance, telling the operator that she's pregnant and believes something is wrong. Sun is pushed into the hospital in a wheelchair and a nurse confirms to another nurse that Sun is one of the Oceanic Six. With Sun on a bed, the nurse begins to remove Sun's jewelry because of swelling but Sun refuses to have her wedding ring removed. Asked if he should contact anyone, Sun tells him to contact her husband Jin. Sun begins to go into labor and gives birth to a baby daughter. Out of the hospital, Sun retrieves the wedding ring that was removed from her finger for the delivery. The doorbell rings and Sun greets the visitor, Hurley. The two hug and Hurley learns no one else is coming. Sun shows Hurley her daughter and Hurley remarks how much she looks like Jin. The three leave to see Jin and arrive at a cemetery. Kneeling at the grave marker, Sun tells Jin that he was right and their baby is a girl. The delivery was hard on her as the doctor said she called out for his name. She's named their daughter Ji Yeon, just like he wanted.


Confirmed Dead

The survivors begin to question the intentions of their supposed rescuers when four strangers arrive on the island.

See Confirmed Dead for full details.

Daniel Faraday

In Essex, Massachusetts, Daniel Faraday is watching a news report regarding the discovery of the wreckage of Oceanic Flight 815 at the bottom of the Sunda Trench, just off the coast of Bali. The news seems to upset Daniel greatly. A woman asks him why he's upset, but Daniel doesn't know why. Moving forward in time, Daniel is over the island in a helicopter experiencing severe problems with its electrical components. Miles shoves Daniel out of the helicopter for his own safety. With this chute deployed, Daniel lands in the jungle and is immediately found by Jack and Kate. Daniel asks, "Are you Jack?" Confirming Jack's identity, Daniel tells him his name and that he's there to rescue him.

Miles Straume

Miles Straume pulls up the curb outside a house in Inglewood, California. He meets a woman inside named Mrs. Gardner and tells her he's paid in advance. His fee is doubled due to her not telling him her grandson was murdered. Going up to the grandson's room, Miles turns on his equipment and, presumably speaking to the murdered grandson, tells him he's not doing any good staying in the house and is causing his grandmother a lot of pain. He wants to go downstairs and tell her he's gone, but he needs to know where "it" is first. Hearing a noise, Miles finds a hidden bag with a large amount of money inside. He takes the money, turns off his equipment and tells the grandson he can leave. Miles informs Mrs. Gardner that her grandson is at peace now. After seeing some pictures of the grandson on her wall, Miles refunds her half his fee as the job wasn't as difficult as he thought it'd be. Mrs. Gardner hugs Miles and thanks him.

Charlotte Lewis

Charlotte Lewis arrives at an excavation site in Medenine, Tunisia. A man asks Charlotte and her translator if they're lost. Charlotte has her translator tell the man that people in their line of work are terrible at keeping secrets and she knows about the dig. The site is closed, so Charlotte pulls out a large sum of money, giving it to the man, and continues on to the dig. Charlotte examines the skeletal remains of a polar bear. Digging deeper near the skull, she uncovers a collar for the polar bear which is stamped with the symbol of The DHARMA Initiative's Hydra station.

Frank Lapidus

Frank Lapidus is at Caribbean Dreams, an island travel and tour operator in Eleuthera, The Bahamas. Watching a news report on the discovery of the wreckage of Oceanic Flight 815, Frank notices they have footage of the bodies inside the cockpit and identify the pilot as Seth Norris. He calls the National Transportation Safety Board's Oceanic 815 hotline. A staff member connects him to a supervisor. Frank tells him Seth Norris married his childhood sweetheart at 19 and always wore his wedding ring, yet the body on the TV doesn't have a ring. The man suggests the ring fell off in the crash, but Frank insists the body isn't Norris'. Asked how he knows Seth Norris, Frank tells the man he was supposed to pilot Oceanic Flight 815 on the day of the crash.

Naomi Dorrit

Naomi Dorrit is inside a barren office building floor, save for a single desk. Matthew Abaddon shows Naomi pictures of Daniel Faraday, Miles Straume, Charlotte Lewis and Frank Lapidus. Naomi believes they are the wrong people for the mission as they don't have field experience or military training. They can't be dropped in unprotected as it would be a disaster. Abaddon points out they won't be unprotected as they will have her along. She replies that there is only so much she can do. This is a high-risk covert op in unstable territory and she believes it's more than enough trouble without her having to babysit a head case, a ghost buster, an anthropologist and a drunk. She asks him what will happen if they find survivors from Oceanic 815. Abaddon insists there were no survivors of Oceanic 815 and she shouldn't ask questions but do what she's paid for. Every member of the team was selected for a specific purpose and everything relies on Naomi getting them in, getting them out and preventing them from being killed. Naomi agrees that she can accomplish the mission.

The Constant

Sayid and Desmond hit a bit of turbulence on the way to the freighter, which causes Desmond to experience some unexpected side effects.

See The Constant for full details.


While traveling to the freighter, Desmond becomes unstuck in time and his consciousness from 1996 travels back and forth between 2004 and 1996. After speaking with Daniel Faraday in 2004, Desmond finds him at Oxford University in 1996 and learns what happened to him and that he must find his constant before the experience kills him. This constant must be something he cares about and exists in both time periods. Desmond realizes it is Penny, and finds her in 1996. He asks for her phone number and tells her not to change it and to be sure she'll be by her phone on December 24, 2004.

The Other Woman

Juliet receives an unwelcome visit from someone from her past and is given orders to track down Charlotte and Faraday in order to stop them from completing their mission — by any means necessary. Meanwhile, Ben offers Locke an enticing deal.

See The Other Woman for full details.


Juliet meets with Harper, her on-island therapist, during her first week on the island. She later meets Goodwin, Harper's husband, who tries to comfort her regarding her failed efforts to solve their pregnancy problem. Despite Goodwin being married, Juliet begins a romantic relationship with him. Harper learns of the affair, witnessing the two sleeping together, and warns Juliet to end the relationship or Ben might do something to Goodwin. Despite the warning, Juliet and Goodwin continue their relationship. Even Goodwin is dismissive of Ben doing something, despite knowing Ben has a crush on Juliet. Oceanic 815 breaks up overhead and Ben sends Goodwin to infiltrate one of the crash sites. After they kidnap those from their list and Ethan is killed by the mid-section survivors, Ben insists on keeping Goodwin out among them. The tail-section survivors eventually realize who Goodwin really is and Ana Lucia kills him. Ben brings Juliet to Goodwin's corpse and tells her that she belongs to him.

Ji Yeon

Juliet is forced to reveal some startling news to Jin when Sun threatens to move to Locke's camp. Meanwhile, Sayid and Desmond begin to get an idea of the freighter crew's mission when they meet the ship's Captain.

See Ji Yeon for full details.


In South Korea, Jin heads into a toy store to get a stuffed panda toy as he has to head over to the maternity ward of a hospital immediately. Jin purchases a panda, but then loses it when a taxi drives off with it inside. He heads back inside a demands the last panda from the shopkeeper which he's holding for someone who's already purchased it. Arriving at the hospital, Jin introduces himself to a Chinese security agent as a representative of Paik Automotive. The agent brings the Chinese Ambassador out and Jin gives the panda to him as a symbol of Mr. Paik's eagerness to do business in China. The ambassador accepts the gift and congratulations from Mr. Paik and tells Jin that he'll give Mr. Paik a call. A nurse notices Jin is leaving so soon and Jin tells her the baby isn't his, that he's only been married for two months.

Meet Kevin Johnson

Sayid confronts Ben's spy on the freighter, and Ben urges daughter Alex to flee Locke's camp in order to survive an impending attack.

See Meet Kevin Johnson for full details.


Michael and Walt make it back to the mainland and to Manhattan. Unable to carry the guilt of killing two women to get Walt back, Michael shares what he did with his son. Walt resents him and stays with Michael's mother. She refuses to let Michael see his son, seeing as how they're living under false identities, refuse to tell her what happened to them and how Walt wakes up with terrible nightmares. Michael tries to kill himself by crashing his car, but he survives and sees an apparition of Libby in the hospital. Michael pawns off Jin's watch for a gun and tries to kill himself but he's stopped by Tom. Tom explains to him that the island won't let him die and tells him to meet him at his hotel penthouse once he realizes that. Michael tries to shoot himself, but the gun doesn't fire. He meets with Tom and learns Charles Widmore placed a fake Oceanic 815 into the ocean. Widmore has apparently found the island and will kill everyone on it. Michael is given the identity "Kevin Johnson" and is sent to Widmore's freighter in order to kill everyone on it. After seeing armed men target shooting on the freighter, Michael realizes they aren't on a rescue mission and decides to do what the Others want him to do. He arms a bomb in the freighter's engine room, but sees another apparition of Libby who tells him not to do it. He activates the bomb, but it's a fake. He later receives a call from Ben and is told that there are innocent people on that freighter and he won't kill them. Ben wants Michael to compile a list of names and give it to him, then destroy the communications equipment and the engines.

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