The New Three Stooges was an animated/live action comedy series aired in syndication from 1965 to 1966. The show was produced by the Cambria Studios animation company and Normandy-TV III Productions. It was first distributed by Heritage Productions in its original run and later by Harmony Gold USA in the 1980s, but the show's copyright has since expired without being renewed and it is now in the public domain.
The show starred The Three Stooges in episodes featuring their misadventures in animated shorts shown alongside live action wraparound segments bridging the cartoons. The series was filmed in color, giving many Stooges fans the opportunity to see the comedy trio in color for the first time.
The New Three Stooges drew some criticism from fans for its limited animation in the cartoons. The slapstick humor the Stooges were famous for was also kept subdued in the live action segments, both because the Stooges were aging by this time in their careers, and due to concerns expressed by parents' groups because of the content of the Stooges' classic Columbia Pictures shorts.
Live action segments
Animated segments
Season |
Premiere |
Finale |
Season One |
October 2, 1965 |
October 1966 |
DVD Releases