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Total Drama Island/If You Can't Take the Heat
If You Can't Take the Heat | |
Season 1, Episode 10 | |
Airdate | September 2, 2007 |
Written by | |
Directed by | |
← 1x09 Bad Will Hunting |
1x11 → Who Can You Trust? |
Total Drama Island — Season One |
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If You Can't Take the Heat is the tenth episode of the first season of Total Drama Island.
Guest Stars:
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Plot Overview
With the other campers sleeping, Duncan wakes up and starts doing a few push-ups but stops to sniff, then he sees Harold's used underwear right underneath his nose and recoils in disgust. When Duncan confronts Harold about the dirty underwear, Harold denies the underwear is his, even though DJ points out his mom sewed his name on them and Geoff adds that Harold is the only guy in the camp who wears briefs for underwear. As Harold leaves to take a shower, Duncan, Geoff and DJ decide to teach Harold a lesson.
Later, Chris tells the assembled campers that the challenges the teams will face will be cooking a three course meal, with each team having a master chef, and serve it to Chris for tasting and judging. Geoff suggests an Italian themed meal for the Killer Bass and he is nominated by Duncan to be the chef for them. Heather nominates herself as chef for the Screaming Gophers and in the Confessional Can, Heather says she had to take the leadership role as she claims that everybody else on her team is "pretty useless".
The Killer Bass team split up into three teams of two though Courtney is reluctant to work with Duncan and rants about Duncan's bad traits in the Confessional Can. Back in the guys' side of the Bass cabin, Geoff secretly picks up one of Harold's used briefs with a stick before going back to the kitchen and signaling DJ, who "accidentally" spills a bucket of water on Harold. Harold berates DJ for getting soaked and Geoff suggests that Harold better change. Harold heads back to the cabin to change while the Gophers struggle to get their meal made, with Leshawna and Heather clashing over what ingredients to use and how to prepare them. Back at the Bass cabin, Harold digs out a skimpy pair of thong underwear to change into.
Elsewhere, Owen is bringing a crate of oranges back to the kitchen when he bumps into Heather, making Owen wobble, slip on a stray orange and spill the entire crate of oranges, gasping. Heather orders Owen to go back to the truck and bring more oranges. While Owen is getting the oranges, he accidentally attracts bees in a nearby hive above him. Back in the kitchen with the Bass, Geoff tries to make small talk with Bridgette but fails miserably by comparing her to "Evan's really hot mom". Elsewhere in the kitchen with the Gophers, Owen, covered in red welts from bee stings, enters and tosses the crate of oranges in Trent's direction, but Trent does not notice the crate in time and it hits Trent and knocks him to the floor.
In the Confessional Can, Heather says everything is going perfectly despite Owen getting stung by the bees and Trent being unable to continue due to the concussion he suffered when the orange crate hit him. Back with the Bass, Duncan and Courtney argue about the dessert they are making, but they are interrupted by Harold entering wearing his thong underwear with nothing over them and wanting to know who took all of his shorts. Chris pops in and sees Harold in his thong underwear and shudders, then reminds the teams they have three hours left. Leshawna and Heather soon start fighting again. Elsewhere, Harold is told by the guys to go back to the cabin for a pair of underwear and shorts but is unaware the guys have soaked the underwear with hot sauce and when he puts them on, he yells "My biscuits are burning!" and runs off the dock and into the lake shortly afterward.
Shortly thereafter, Heather, in a confessional, describes talking to Lindsay as something similar to talking to an eggplant. In the kitchen, Heather shows Lindsay and Gwen how to make a flambé dessert, but her attempt results in the dessert being badly burned and Heather's eyebrows getting singed off. Heather and Leshawna argue some more with Leshawna, in the Confessional Can, vowing that someone has to teach Heather a little respect, having had enough of Heather bossing everyone else around in the kitchen while doing no work of her own. Harold enters the kitchen wearing pajamas but still refuses to acknowledge leaving his underwear around the cabin. Harold takes a bite out of a sandwich offered to him by Geoff and, to his disgust, discovers one of his briefs in the sandwich, and Geoff says they'll return his clothes when Harold admits to what he's been doing.
Outside, Owen, sent by Heather to get her make-up bag, steps on a rake while trying to avoid another nest of bees, falls down and again gets stung repeatedly by the bees. A few minutes later, Owen, swollen and bloated from stings, tosses the bag in Heather's direction but Leshawna intercepts it. She tosses it to Beth, who tosses it to Lindsay. Leshawna says "In the fridge!" to Lindsay, while Heather holds out her hand for Lindsay to put the bag in. A grinning Lindsay doesn't obey Heather and she tosses the bag in the walk-in freezer, and when Heather runs in after it, the girls close the door behind her and lock her inside, which allows the Gophers to finish making their meal without Heather's disruptive influence.
Elsewhere in the kitchen, Courtney and Duncan continue to argue and even throw food at each other. In a confessional, Duncan says Courtney drives him crazy and he digs that in a woman. In her own confessional, Courtney dismisses the idea that she and Duncan are attracted to each other at some length. A short time later, Chris prepares to judge the meals with Beth setting the tiki idol she took from Boney Island on the table during preparations. Owen is told by his Gopher teammates to guard the food before it is served, even as Heather continues to shiver in the freezer. Owen's hunger overwhelms his thinking and he winds up devouring most of the rib platter, which causes Leshawna to angrily berate the gluttonous Owen when she finds out what happened.
In the dining area of the mess hall, Chris gives the meal prepared by the Bass a score of 15. However, the Gophers' meal elicits a score of two points for the little scrap of ribs Chris eats, which leaves the score 15 to 11 for the Bass at that point thanks to Owen eating all the ribs. The Bass dessert earns six points and the Gophers' dessert nearly results in Chris choking to death, only to get saved by Owen with the Heimlich maneuver. A moment or so later, Lindsay remembers they left Heather locked in the freezer and runs off to let her out. A furious Heather enters, blue from head to toe, and Chris announces the Bass team win the challenge, 21 to 12. Heather notices the idol on the table and Chris points out that Beth shouldn't have taken it from the deadliest island in Muskoka. Chris goes on to say the Bass win a five star dinner under the stars as their reward.
The Gophers mull over who they will vote off that night with Heather telling Lindsay that all is forgiven as long as she votes for whomever Heather tells her to, threatening to cut off all of Lindsay's long hair while she sleeps if she ever steps out of line again. In separate Confessional Can sessions, Heather says choosing someone to vote for is difficult with so many "losers" to choose from, Lindsay laughs over locking Heather in the freezer, and Heather and Owen are shown voting for Beth. In a confessional, Owen belches Beth's name.
At the campfire ceremony, it comes down to Beth and Heather for the final marshmallow, with Beth being sent to the Boat of Losers. After the ceremony, Duncan, Geoff, and DJ drag Harold's bed to the dock while Harold is sleeping. The next day, Harold wakes up stark naked at the boat dock in presence of the girls (Heather, Courtney, Leshawna, Lindsay, Bridgette, Gwen, and Sadie) who are swimming in the lake giggling at him, and Harold shrieks with embarassment and covers himself with a pillow and says to the guys, who are out canoeing, that he'll never leave his dirty underwear around again like before and begs for his clothes back. With that, Geoff tosses Harold his shorts back and he runs for the Bass cabin to get dressed.