Space Sentinels (originally called "Young Sentinels") is an animated sci-fi series that aired on NBC.
The story involved three young people who are taken from Earth to another planet and given special powers. They are then returned to Earth to watch over and protect it. Hercules is given immense strength, Mercury has incredible speed and Astrea has the power to change into any living creature. They have been created to defend Earth against Morpheus, a man who was given the power of all three sentinels but turned on his planet and headed for Earth, he now tries to use his powers to gain world domination. The Sentinels live on Sentinel Base, a spaceship which is hidden in an extinct volcano, they are guided by Sentinel One an advanced computer who appears as a huge holographic head, and he is un-ably assisted by a maintenance droid called Mo.
Season |
Premiere |
Finale |
Season One |
September 10, 1977 |
December 3, 1977 |
DVD Releases
External Sites