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Talk:Star Trek: The Original Series

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Series naming conventions

Hey Star Trek afficianados. I was thinking that this probably should have "The Original Series" moniker and the "Star Trek" page should disambiguate the various other series.

It will be simple enough to do in the future, but I was wondering what seasoned experts thought of that idea.
--Sigma 10:08, 10 Aug 2005 (PDT)

Yeah, consider moving this article to Star Trek: The Original Series and making Star Trek a disambiguation.

--waffle iron 10:09, 10 Aug 2005 (PDT)

I'd agree as well, it'd keep things simple.

--Idran 10:13, 10 Aug 2005 (PDT)


--Coolbutuseless 23:30, 17 Sep 2005 (EDT) USING SHOWNAME OVERRIDE: showNameOverride = Star Trek: The Original Series XXXXXXXXXXX sleeeping for 5 seconds. break now or forever hold your peace.

XXXXXXXXX USING SHOWNAME OVERRIDE: showNameOverride = Star Trek: The Original Series XXXXXXXXXXX