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Da Vinci's City Hall/Put Down the Hose, Pick Up a Gun

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Put Down the Hose, Pick Up a Gun
Da Vinci's City Hall - Put Down the Hose, Pick Up a Gun.png
Season 1, Episode 5
Airdate November 22, 2005
Written by Chris Haddock
Directed by Stefan Pleszczynski
← 1x04
One Man Two Jobs
1x06 →
You Have to Bleed a Little
Da Vinci's City HallSeason One

Put Down the Hose, Pick Up a Gun is the fifth episode of the first season of Da Vinci's City Hall.

Nicholas Campbell (Mayor Dominic Da Vinci), Mylène Dinh-Robic (Rita Mah), Benjamin Ratner (Sam Berger), Hrothgar Mathews (Sergeant Charlie Klotchko), Brian Markinson (Police Chief Bill Jacobs), Ian Tracey (Mick Leary), Stephen E. Miller (Zack McNab), Charles Martin Smith (Joe Friedland), Venus Terzo (Detective Angela Kosmo), Patrick Gallagher (Detective Joe Finn)

Also Appearing: Alex Diakun (Detective Chick Savoy), Sarah Jane Redmond (Sergeant Sheila Kurtz), Jim Codrington (Bob Forrest)

Simone Bailly (Jan Ferris), Brian Mulligan (Earl Sweeney), Anna Williams (Barb Tremaine), Hiro Kanagawa (Roy Komori), Rékha Sharma (Cindy Winters), Kaären de Zilva (Forsythe), Rajinder Singh Cheema (Ahluwalia), Gina Holden (Claire), Quelemia Sparrow (Paula Hunter), Parm Soor (Parmir), Glen Gould (Clarke Messner), Angela Moore (Detective Roemer), Nimet Kanji (Mina Basra), Victor Ayala (Brian), Jorgito Vargas Jr. (Trick), Marsha Regis (Roberta), Nathaniel Arcand (Cage), Donna Soares (Carrie Jones), Michael-Ann Connor (Vera), Travis MacDonald (Roy), Conrad Burek (Sergeant Bender), Kristina Copeland (Terri Beno), Kevin McNulty (Dubro) Gli Edmonds (Alana), Nelson Wong (Dan), Jennifer Lines (Eva), Tanya Hubbard (Liz), Yee Jee Tso (Fritz), Shane Twerdun (Narc #1), Dena Ashbaugh (Constable #1), Robinne Fanfair (Constable #2), Curtis Ahenakew (Plainclothes #1), John Dadey (Cop)


Plot Overview

Dominic and Jacobs use the streets as a battleground of wills following a death during a police raid of a grow-op. When Jacobs and Klotchko plant the idea of a connection to organised crime in order to bring back a plan for a task force, Dominic puts more emphasis on his cross-training idea.

With the squatters settled and Zack's job done, Dominic makes a deal with Friedland.


Arc Advancement


  • Klotchko talks with Earl Sweeney and Vice President of the Fire Union Bob Forrest in addition to sending out a brief on the downside of cross-training. This sparks enough uproar that Dominic is convince to put the cross-training plan on the back-burner and to hold off on Greenwood's interview with the police board. However, in the aftermath of the grow-op shooting Dominic learns of a preliminary budget for a special task force to combat organised crime and decides to counter by driving forward with the cross-training. Klotchko retaliates by getting officers to drive everyone out of the red light zone. Dominic verbally reprimands Jacobs who agrees to leave the hookers and johns be, which he agrees by pulling all police presence. This leads Dominic to confront Jacobs and assert not a resumed presence, but that officers will accompany firemen posting notices and that no one will enter a grow-op without a warrant and preceding investigation.
  • Mick shows Messner the photos and he recognises the setting. Claire has been able to track down the hotel in the photos. Although it burned down, the original owner was James Dubreau who was accused by a kid to have spiked his drink, but the retracted his statement. Messner later identities Dubreau to Mick.
  • Dominic learns Mina Basra is connected to Billie Simms who owns half the businesses around the red light zone.
  • The quartet of constables bust a grow-up, but the man inside shoots and kills Barb. Ferris returns fires, killing him. Jacobs suggests to Klotchko a connection to an organised crime group and he informs Chick that he let Organized Crime join the investigation. Ferris claims an inspection notice was at the scene, which might have tipped off the grower, but is now missing.
  • Ahluwalia wants more of a presence of his people in police and fire department, but is to abstain from the slot votes, which maybe enough to sway the votes in their favour.
  • Dominic convinces Friedland to stay in Crab Park for 8 months while he finds permanent housing, which the operative reports back to Jacobs who gets Klotchko contact Port Authority to deal with it.
  • Kosmo and Finn learn the depth of the Kumar's intel, but that Organized Crime has pulled officers to deal with the grow-ops. They ask Kurtz for an Indo-Canadian undercover officer to find out who put out the hit.


  • Dominic insists Zack not return to the squatters, but returns anyway.



The Show

Behind the Scenes

Allusions and References

Memorable Moments
