The TV IV:Featured Article Archive
This is a master listing of the most recent Featured Articles of the TV IV. Articles are chronologically listed in order of most recent articles listed first. Blank weeks with no article indicate that an article of the week has not yet been determined for that particular week. Please help out by nominating and supporting or opposing nominated articles.
Week 11, 2007
Williams Street is the studio which pioneered the Adult Swim animation block on Cartoon Network with programs like Space Ghost Coast to Coast and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. The production company has grown exponentially since its humble beginnings as Ghost Planet Industries and this page details its entire history since it was first established in 1976 as part of what would become TBS.
Week 9-10, 2007
"Two for the Road" is the twentieth episode from the second season of Lost. In a turning point for the crash survivors, a man suspected of being an other is interrogated by Ana-Lucia, Michael is brought back to the camp and Hurley plans a surprise date with Libby. But all of these peoples' lives are changed dramatically by the events that unfold in this episode.
Week 8, 2007
John Cleese is a British writer, actor, director and comedian best known as one of the members of Monty Python. Though Cleese's life was thrust into the spotlight by Monty Python's Flying Circus, he also found success in solo work on shows like Fawlty Towers. He's been nominated for countless awards, but perhaps the most significant of them all is having a species of lemur named after him ("Cleese's Wooly Lemur," or Avahi cleesei).
Week 7, 2007
What exactly is a dramedy? This question caused a long debate over the subject in the heat of the IVy Awards in 2006 and eventually came out with an informative page which details the history of the genre and what exactly constitutes a "dramedy" series. It's more complex than it may sound because, as said in the article, "the term does not merely apply to any comedy with some serious moments, nor does it apply to any drama with funny moments." For reference, current dramedy series include Monk, Psych, Scrubs and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.
Week 3-6, 2007
Stephen Colbert is the host of The Colbert Report, a wildly popular spinoff of The Daily Show which lampoons pundits and news commentators. Along with his Daily Show and Colbert Report roles, Colbert has also appeared on Saturday Night Live, Strangers with Candy and The Dana Carvey Show. Colbert will come face to face with the inspiration for his stage personality on Thursday, January 18th, when he and Bill O'Reilly guest star on each other's shows.
Week 2, 2007
The DHARMA Initiative is the ever-present behind-the-scenes organization which is responsible for the Lost island's infrastructure. Eight stations have been discovered on the island in the show, plus a host of other details from the series alternate reality game. What exactly the organization has to do with the situation the survivors on the island are in presently is unknown, but some officials in the organization have considered the project to be a failure.
Week 1, 2007
"Spit & Eggs" is the ninth episode of the third season of Veronica Mars, and is the conclusion of that season's first mystery. Veronica faces a potentially life-threatening situation as she tries to figure out the identity of the Hearst College rapist while at the same time attempting to avoid putting herself in danger.