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Red Dwarf/Arnold J. Rimmer

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Arnold J. Rimmer
Red Dwarf
Actor Chris Barrie
First Appearance 1x01 - The End
Last Appearance 8x08 - Only the Good...
Series Billing Series: Billed
Episode Count
Notable Episodes


Basic Information

Second Technician Arnold J. Rimmer comes from a long line of successful, military veterans. However despite years of trying for a promotion, Arnold is the second lowest rank on Red Dwarf. Only Dave Lister holds a lower rank. These factors combine to make Arnold Rimmer an irritable, pompous, arrogant, smeghead. He can also be a jerk at times.

He has at times, however, proven to have the makings of a nice guy inside him, seen scattered through Seasons 5-8.

Character History

He was killed by a radiation leak in the first episode and brought back as a hologram to keep Lister company.

In the season 6 episode Legion the gestalt entity Legion upgrades Rimmer's light bee to "hard light"; meaning that he can now touch things and do anything that a normal human can do with the added bonus that he is virtually indestructible.

In the episode Stoke Me a Clipper Arnold's alter-ego Ace Rimmer dies. But before he does, he recruits Arnold as the next Ace Rimmer in what has become an unending chain of Ace Rimmers.

Memorable Moments



  • He has three brothers: John, Frank, and Howard. They were all successful, and grew up to join the Space Corps.
  • He has a sister-in-law named Janine.
  • Rimmer once had a pet lemming.
  • His nickname in school was "bonehead".
  • He went to school with the inventor of the tension sheet, Fred Holden.
  • Apparently he once set fire to Stinky Bateman's turn-ups in third from prep.
  • As a child Rimmer was in Space Scouts.
  • He divorced his parents when he was 14.
  • At age 15, Rimmer was alone with Fiona Barrington in his Dad's greenhouse. He though he had gotten lucky, but all the time his hand was in warm compost.


  • He keeps his underpants on coat hangers.
  • Rimmer often adds the honorifics BSC and SSC to his name.
    • BSC - Bronze Swimming Certificate
    • SSC - Silver Swimming Certificate
  • He keeps issues of the magazine Fascist Dictator Monthly.
  • He has a photograph collection of 20th century telegraph poles.
  • Rimmer is a fan of Morris dancing.
  • Rimmer keeps a Risk campaign notebook, so he can replay his "moments of glory" over a glass of brandy in the sleeping quarters.
  • He would eat his food in alphabetical order.
  • He would use only three pieces of toiler paper: one up, one down, and one to polish!

The Rimmer Salute

One of Rimmer's most enduring habits: his own, personal, non-standard salute.

You can perform a Rimmer salute by following these steps in quick succession:

  1. Stand at attention.
  2. Extend your right arm in front of you, so that your arm, hand, and fingers form a straight line slightly upward.
  3. Keeping your arm still, rotate your hand so that your finger tips trace a circle in the air. Two or more such circles are the norm.
  4. Bend your elbow to bring your still flattened hand to your forehead (palm outward) with the fingertips at or near your temple.
  5. Maintain this posture for the appropriate length of time, then back to attention.

You may perform any/all of these steps with flourish to be more Rimmer-like.


  • The J in his name stands for Judas.
  • His last words were "gazpacho soup".
  • He believes that in a previous life, he was Alexander the Great's Chief Eunuch.
  • Rimmer was once a member of the Samaritans (for one day). He spoke with five people ... They all committed suicide. One of them was even a wrong number. The papers called it "Lemming Sunday".
  • He was a member of the Love Celibacy Society.
  • He has an infalatable doll, named Rachel.
  • Rimmer was treasurer of the Hammond Organ Owner's Society.
  • Up until season 5, the only woman Rimmer had ever made love to was Yvonne McGruder (she had been hit on the head with a winch).
